Buy Mahastra – Bacillus thuringiensis (Wettable Powder) BioInsecticide (IPL) Online | Farmers Stop Skip to content

Mahastra – Bacillus thuringiensis (Wettable Powder) BioInsecticide (IPL)

Sold out
Rs. 850.00
Target Crops:
Vegetables (Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower), Cotton, Pulses, Paddy, Chilli, Okra etc..
लक्ष्य फसलें:
सब्जियाँ (टमाटर, गोभी, फूलगोभी), कपास, दालें, धान, मिर्च, ओकरा आदि।
Method of application and dosage:
Foliar Spray – Take 5 to 10 gm. Mahastra per ltr of water. Spray with high volume knapsack sprayer or power sprayer with sticker at the appearance of insect pests mainly DBM (Diamond Back Moth) & Helicoverpa in Tomato & Cotton. Repeat the Foliar Spray at 10 days intervals

आवेदन और खुराक की विधि:
फोलियर स्प्रे - 5 से 10 ग्राम/प्रति लीटर पानी लें।   मुख्य रूप से टमाटर और कपास में डीबीएम (डायमंड बैक मोथ) और हेलिकोवर्पा कीट कीटों की उपस्थिति में स्टिकर के साथ उच्च मात्रा वाले नैकपैक स्प्रेयर या पावर स्प्रेयर के साथ स्प्रे करें। 10 दिनों के अंतराल पर फोलियर स्प्रे दोहराएं

Mode Of Action:
Bacillus thuringiensis Var. Kurstaki (or Bt) is a common gram positive, spore-forming, soil bacterium. When resources are limited, vegetative Bt cells undergo sporulation, synthesizing a protein crystal during spore formation. Proteins in these crystals are called Cry (Crystal) endotoxins and have been known for decades to display insecticidal activity against specific insect groups. Even though Cry toxins have been extensively used commercially, the specifics of their mode of action are still controversial. This multi-step toxicity process includes ingestion of the Cry protein by a susceptible insect, solubilisation, and processing from a protoxin to an activated toxin core in the insect digestive fluid. The toxin core travels across the peritrophic matrix and binds to specific receptors called cadherins on the brush border membrane of the gut cells. Toxin binding to cadherin proteins results in activation of an oncotic cell death pathway and/or formation of toxin oligomers that bind to GPI-anchored proteins and concentrate on regions of the cell membrane called lipid rafts. Accumulation of toxin oligomers results in toxin insertion in the membrane, pore formation, osmotic cell shock, and ultimately insect death.