Buy Varunastra – Verticillium lecanii (Liquid) BioInsecticide (IPL) BioInsecticide (IPL) Online | Farmers Stop Skip to content

Varunastra – Verticillium lecanii (Liquid) BioInsecticide (IPL)

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Rs. 345.00
Target Disease/Insects:
Effective against all soft body sucking insect like Aphids, Thrips, Mealy bugs, White flies, Jassids, Hoppers, Scales and all types of Mites.
लक्ष्य रोग / कीड़े:
सभी नरम शरीर चूसने वाले कीट जैसे एफिड्स, थ्रिप्स, मेयली बग, सफेद मक्खियाँ, जस्सीड्स, हॉपर, स्केल और सभी प्रकार के माइट्स के खिलाफ प्रभावी।

Target Crops:
Banana, Grapes, Guava, Citrus, Mango, Sapota, Apple, Coconut, Paddy, Cotton, Tomato, Chilly, Brinjal, Onion, Okra, Tea, Cardamom, Coffee, Aromatic and Medicinal crops

लक्ष्य फसलें:
केला, अंगूर, अमरूद, खट्टे, आम, सपोटा, सेब, नारियल, धान, कपास, टमाटर, मिर्च, बैंगन, प्याज, ओकरा, चाय, इलायची, कॉफी, सुगंधित और औषधीय फसलें

Mode Of Action:
It infects all the stages of insects. The spores of Verticillium lecanii get attached to the cuticle of insects on contact. The fungus gains entry through the cuticle by enzymes. It infects insect by producing hyphae from germinating spores that penetrate the insect cuticle/integument. The fungus than destroy the internal body content resulting in the mortality of insects by combination of chemical, mechanical, water loss and nutrient loss effect. The fungus grows on cuticle and produce certain toxins like dipicloinic acid and bassianolide which cause mortality.