Buy Siron – Sulphur & Iron Soulbilizing Bacteria (Granular) (IPL) Online | Farmers Stop Skip to content

Siron – Sulphur & Iron Soulbilizing Bacteria (Granular) (IPL)

Sold out
Rs. 365.00
Mode Of Action:
Consists of Iron and sulphur mobilizing bacteria which produces organic acids and converts the insoluble form of Iron and sulphur into available form through lowering the soil pH and breaking down the complex. Iron and sulphur are the most important nutrient requirement of the plant and which is fulfilled through the application of Siron.
Benefits To The Crop:
Converts insoluble form of “S” and “Fe” into soluble form for absorption in plants
Helps to maintain the soil pH
Increases numbers of flowers, fruits, grain formation and their size
Plays an important role in plant respiration process
Target Crops:
Suitable for all types of crops like Oilseeds, Pulses, Cereals, Fruits & Vegetables, Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Tea & Coffee.
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