Buy Daman – Beauveria bassiana (Wettable Powder) BioInsecticide (IPL) Online | Farmers Stop Skip to content

Daman – Beauveria bassiana (Wettable Powder) BioInsecticide (IPL)

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Rs. 200.00
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Prepaid : Yes ✅
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Target Disease/Insects:
Highly active on Lepidopterous Caterpillars including Helicoverpa, Spodoptera, Borers, and Hairy caterpillars. Pest of vegetables and fruits and sucking pest like White fly and Aphids; DBM, Scale insects, Locust, Colorado beetles of Potato.
Target Crops:
Cereals, Pulses, Cotton, Oil seeds, Vegetables: Specially Cabbage and cauliflower, Fruits and Plantation crops.
लक्ष्य फसलें:
अनाज, दलहन, कपास, तेल के बीज, सब्जियां: विशेष रूप से गोभी और फूलगोभी, फल और वृक्षारोपण की फसलें।

Method of application and dosage:
Soil application – For soil insect pest like White Grubs, Termite, Agrotis spp. etc. Mix 2.0 kg
Daman – with 50 kg of well decomposed FYM/compost/field soil and broadcast in the field of 1 acre at the time of field preparation or in standing crop.
Foliar Spray – Mix 2.0 kg Daman in 150 – 200 lit. of water for spraying in the standing crop at the time of appearance of insect pest.
Mode Of Action:
It is highly effective naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungus that parasites several insects of crops, Beauveria bassiana infects all stages of insect, including eggs, larvae, pupae, grubs, nymphs, hoppers and adult. The spores attached to insect cuticle, germinate and penetrate into the insect body. The hypahe through enzymes action, proliferate insect body and cause mortality through a combination of chemical, mechanical, water loss and nutrient loss effects. The insect body ultimately gets covered with white mycelium and spores. Certain toxins are produced by this fungus and cause the mortality of insect.

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